True Prefabrication

Serving as the second pillar, the SPS manufacturing team has perfected the art of piping system fabrication over its thirty plus years of industry experience. Equipped with cutting edge equipment and a knowledgeable crew, the quality of workmanship we have provided to the pharmaceutical, as well as various other industries, has given us a reputation of being the best in the business. Capable of expanding to twice its size to accommodate large projects, the production floor consists of a skid fabrication shop, pipe fabrication shop, passivation shop as well as offsite warehousing availabilities.

Utilizing years of experience along with current and expanding computer aided techniques, our high degree of pre-fabrication ensures a consistent and high-quality product, delivered in the most cost-effective manner possible. At Stainless Piping Systems, we are dedicated to excellence. Our customers expect that and we expect it from ourselves. Our thorough and comprehensive attention to detail insures each and every job ends with a satisfied customer.

  • Automatic orbital welding capable of welding 1/8″ O.D. through 6″ O.D. tubing.
  • Rotary mandrel bending of tube and pipe.
  • Radius tee extrusion for manifold fabrication.
  • Passivation of finished products.
  • Radiographic examination, video boroscoping, hydrotesting, liquid penetrant, ferrite testing or visual examination available.
  • GTAW / RMDT (Regulated Metal Deposition) Root Pass; GTAW/SMAW/GMAW/FCAW Cap Pass.
  • Full material traceability and fabrication documentation available.

Due to stringent regulations required for the industries we serve; SPS produces meticulously accurate and consistent documentation.

Our certification team at SPS is matched by none in the industry for large and small projects demanding accurate documentation. We take pride in our ability to document clearly and concisely for all of our products that require it.

We have extensive experience with ASME and BPE Piping codes and are accustomed to the rigorous CRN/TSSA / CSA / ESA requirements in Canada.